Strawberry Shortcake Meets The Ambiguously Gay Duo Meets Snoop Dogg...
Filmed on October 11, 2013, at "Head, Heart, Hand: AIGA Design Conference
Ever wonder how the series Beavis and Butt-Head got launched? Or how “The Ambiguously Gay Duo” is directly related to a decapitated chicken? Maybe you were intrigued by a bankrupt superhero turned cartoon character defense attorney? And while we’re at it who did the logo segment that closes each and every episode of The Colbert Report? In this interview J. J. Sedelmaier covers these important questions and discusses several experiences he and his studio have endured while producing some of the most entertaining animation ever to come out of a small independent cartoon and design shop in White Plains New York.
J. J. Sedelmaier is responsible for many of the most-talked-about broadcast productions of the past two decades including the launch season of MTV’s Beavis and Butt-Head Saturday Night Live’s “Saturday TV Funhouse ” Cartoon Network/Adult Swim’s Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law animation for The Colbert Report and more than 500 television commercials animations and design pieces. His creative development and production studio assists with corporate branding for companies like The Chicago Tribune Nickelodeon S. C. Johnson Alka-Seltzer/Bayer and Converse. Sedelmaier’s design expertise technological experience and extensive knowledge of history make him a unique creative source for sculpting any project. Sedelmaier is a popular speaker for major industry events corporations schools agencies and television programs such as CBS’ Sunday Morning. He is also a contributor to Print’s blog “Imprint.” Sedelmaier’s interests are varied. If you Google him you may become confused.