The Path From Design to Innovation

Bob Dunham

The Path From Design to Innovation

Filmed on October 23, 2014, at “Gain: AIGA Design and Business Conference”

About this video

Design is not simply coming up with new ideas. You must also get people to adopt the design and lead them into the new possibilities that it presents. Design becomes innovation when you think about the new promises futures and values your design offers.

Successful innovation requires effective communication and leadership: communication to show the value of a new future and leadership to realize its value. In this presentation Bob Dunham shows you why and how communication and leadership can transform design into successful value creation and innovation.

Speaker bio

Bob Dunham founded the Institute of Generative Leadership to foster development of the skills abilities and wisdom needed to provide effective and healthy leadership to organizations with today’s speed and complexity. Previously Dunham served—and learned firsthand—as vice president and chief operating officer for four major companies.

He has combined communication and language management practice design and approaches to embodied learning that shift people’s capabilities for producing action as an integrated approach to building executive and management skills. The Institute for Generative Leadership discipline produces skills rather than just theory in management and leadership. This approach to leadership has embedded in it powerful frames for design. He is also the co-author of The Innovator’s Way (2010) which presents the essential hands-on practices for successful innovation.

Dunham holds two degrees from Stanford University and was on the staff that developed the three-year program of ontological design. He has studied the discipline of embodied learning extensively has taught at the University of San Francisco and is a guest lecturer at the California College of the Arts and at Presidio Graduate School.