Debbie Millman | 2008 Gain Conference

Debbie Millman

Debbie Millman introduces 20 designers who were invited to show in their own unique way—and in just 60 seconds—how design and business intersect in their practice.

The designers, in order of appearance: Rodrigo Corral, Moira Cullen, Kristina DiMatteo, Julia Hoffman, Kenna Kay, Michael Ian Kaye, Chip Kidd, Josh Liberson and Ethan Trask, Vernon Lockhart, Christine Mau, Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit, Bennett Peji, Brian Rea (represented by a papier-mâché doppelganger), Petter Ringbom, Craig Swanson, Lucille Tenazas, Khoi Vinh, Petrula Vrontikis.