A Peek Behind the Hollywood Sign

Pash Pashkow

Hollywood is a world of adventure and intrigue, comedy and tragedy. And that’s what a designer’s life in the entertainment industry can be like as well. In 2010 Pash closed his design firm and moved in-house at The Walt Disney Company, where he oversaw brand and design at ABC. He recently moved to Apple, where he has the same role in their new entertainment division. Join him as he gives you a close up on this crazy and exciting industry, and shows why for designers there’s no business like show business.

Pash Pashkow is a designer, brand strategist, and educator. He currently works at Apple, where he oversees brand and design in their new original content division.

For eight years prior he was VP of Brand & Design at ABC. Before that his work spanned a wide variety of clients and industries—he designed the official logo for Miles Davis, brand extensions for Playboy, products for John Varvatos, retail product strategy for Motown Records, and advertising for Perrier.